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It’s Time for Banff Pride! Main Photo

It’s Time for Banff Pride!

On June 28th 1969, a riot broke out at the Stonewall Inn in NYC as the LGBTQ community took to the streets in a multi-day battle to fight for their equality. That moment is why June is recognized far and wide as Pride Month.  But throughout the year, many different Pride weeks are celebrated in […]

Skin Deep Main Photo

Skin Deep

The mountains are a harsh environment, and your skin pays the price. Recover from your mountain adventure at one of Banff's exceptional spas.

What’s in a Name? Main Photo

What’s in a Name?

Banff has a buffalo shaped mountain right in the centre that boasts a popular hike and sparked many conversations about its name.

As Canadian as a Canoe Main Photo

As Canadian as a Canoe

The Whyte Museum’s summer exhibit Canoe is a reflection of the Canadian icon as well as a celebration of artwork spanning over 200 years.

Best Dressed Main Photo

Best Dressed

The Canadian Rockies are known for mountain adventure, but they’re also known for unpredictable weather! Don’t let a rainy day or summer snowstorm ruin your best laid plans. Get the gear you need to get outside, right here in Banff. Helly Hansen Built for all weather, Helly Hansen builds clothing for the harsh mountain environment. […]

Tips and tricks for lowlight photography in the Canadian Rockies Main Photo

Tips and tricks for lowlight photography in the Canadian Rockies

There are many wonderful places to photograph once the sun sets and the stars come out. Here's how to capture those lowlight shots.

Ride of a Lifetime Main Photo

Ride of a Lifetime

Horses have a long history in the Canadian Rockies and even to this day, they are an important part of the mountain landscape.

Mountain Galleries is Thirty & Thriving Main Photo

Mountain Galleries is Thirty & Thriving

Mountain Galleries has promoted Canadian art from living artists and shared mountain culture for three decades.

Guardians of the Ice and the promotion of environmental stewardship Main Photo

Guardians of the Ice and the promotion of environmental stewardship

Guardians of the Ice (GOTI) launched a new beer with Banded Peak Brewing in Calgary to bring awareness to the plight of the glaciers.

Product Review: Montec Winter Gear Main Photo

Product Review: Montec Winter Gear

Here’s our take on Montec: a Swedish clothing company taking the mountains by storm with their jackets that go from the slopes to the streets.